Monday, 7 September 2009

Meeting with ICANN Staff, August 7, 2009

Dear bloggers,

right before going on my holidays, I had a very interesting meeting with ICANN staff in order to discuss the IRT report. Over the past few months, I have had the pleasure of working with Ms. Kathryne Kleiman - drafter of the UDRP and trademark law attorney - and we both worked very hard to propose solutions that ICANN would find interesting and innovative.

The ICANN staff paid careful attention to our submissions and asked for a lot of questions. We explained to them the law and the impact the IRT report has and will have upon traditional notions of trademark law.

I will post all our White Papers (IP Clearinghouse, URS and GPML) to this blog. They are also posted on the ICANN website. Due to their length of analysis, I will post each one of them separately.

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